Summer Seclusion and Winter Challenges
Rhosneigr beaches are like all Anglesey beaches because when you feel like a change, there’s always another beach close by.
When you feel you've nurtured your toes for long enough in the sand of Rhosneigr Beach, then just face the sea.
Don’t walk in as if it’s all over.
Glance over to your right and - as if you could miss it - there's a long stretch of sand backing onto the sand dunes of RAF Valley.

This apparently long, long beach is separated into two beaches by their names. Crigyll Beach nearby and around the obvious corner - in the distance - is the same beach, but now it's Cymyran Beach.
It’s a bit of a walk to get to Cymyran. And a bit of a walk when you get there.
Which is great if you just want to clear your head and forget about ...
What was it again? Never Mind.
What's immediately apparent is that these beaches are more or less devoid of people.
Partly because you have to leave the ice-cream behind and partly because of the walk to get there.
Crigyll Beach and Cymyran Beach do not always enjoy the same near shore degree of shelter from wind and sea conditions as other beaches in the immediate area because they face the prevailing south westerlies.
This can make both beaches excellent windsurfing and kite-surfing beaches. Kite-surfers enjoy particularly long reaches.
You'll always find someone Fishing at the end of Cymyran Beach at the 'Round' and in the DANGEROUS tidal race from Four Mile Bridge.
A fisherman tells me that this fishes like a river and is a decent place for conger eels.
Though, there is a bit of a dispute about this.

The very nature of Cymyran and Crigyll beaches changes with the weather.
I must admit that there was a time I didn’t really like these beaches because the shingle and lack of soft sand can make them look untidy.
In Winter, when the storm lashes your face you may feel tempted to stretch out your arms and shout above the wailing Banshees,
It’s got an awful lot more. You’ll soon find out.
Is this your favourite Anglesey beach? Maybe you've enjoyed bathing, walking or generally been blown about here?
If you've got stories or thoughts you'd like to share about this or any other Anglesey beach with other visitors then please CLICK HERE. We'd all love to hear from YOU

(Pronounced 'Crigyll' or Krig-ill - as in Llandudno. Say 'Krig-illandudno' and eventually drop the 'andudno').
Have a go! Keep this Welsh speaker happy.
Crigyll is a better beach for sunbathing and swimming than Cymyran Beach. There's plenty of room.
It’s also where the novice windsurfers and kite surfers usually end up and have to drag everything back a far distance to their car or boogie bus.
If you’ve had enough of screaming kids and noisy jet-skis then Crigyll Beach is ideal.
Again, the sand is not as good as that of the other adjacent beaches, but it is softer and better than Cymyran. There are more soft sand patches against the sand dunes.
The wind is in your face all the time. Don’t be put off though. In hot weather it is a saving grace. But watch it, you’ll burn. So lotion-up and cover the kids.
Crigyll beach is easier to reach by walking from Rhosneigr across the River Crigyll.
I've recently noticed that small groups of people gather on the soft sand dunes on the Rhosneigr Beach side of the river.
I noticed them because I could smell the barbecues.
The early evening sun was shining brightly off the sea and the breeze carried their gentle, affectionate laughter to me.
I must take my friends here.

This is where I generally hit the beach on my gentle runs from the RAF Valley crash gate. I run along the beach to the Afon (River) Crigyll and back.
Cymyran is about a mile long. The sand is mostly compacted and a mix of sand and shingle.
It does not enjoy the same soft golden sand as the other Rhosneigr Beaches. There is some, though you have to look for it against the sand dunes.
Most people settle down for the afternoon against the sand dunes and enjoy the overwhelming blue-ness.
When running I always scan the sky from the pale blue above to the dark-edged blue of the sea against the sand.
I think it's a really brilliant beach.
This is a walking beach mostly and it is brilliant for that.
At very low tides you can see the rusting prow of a long wrecked ship about half a mile from Plas Cymyran.
This is just a great beach and private enough for me to take my top off to catch a tan without feeling embarrassed. I'm male, by the way.
The beach is generally safe on the Rhosneigr end.
HOWEVER ... And this is a very Big HOWEVER
...the Plas Cymyran house end is regularly prey to a very strong tidal race coming all the way from Four Mile Bridge.
Here it is constricted by the land and the current speeds up to 8 knots (about 10 miles an hour).
The beach falls away very quickly and very steeply.
If you don’t watch it you will fall in. Please keep a close eye on children because the current is strong and can be ferocious at specific times in the tidal cycle.
Take Care. This is a dangerous stretch of water. Over the years there have been some nasty, tragic accidents here.
You can forget about trotting to the village for a cup of tea or ice-cream from Cymyran Beach.
Rhosneigr is miles away and you'll need to bring everything with you.
The village end of Crigyll Beach is just a walk away from all the local shops and facilities.
Please CLICK HERE for all the shops and facilities in Rhosneigr.
VITALLY IMPORTANT If you're bringing young children with you, please remember a couple of bottles of still drinking water, in case the little ones get sand in their eye.
It's heartbreaking to listen to their screams and trying to keep desperate fingers away from burning eyes.
This happened to me and I can't tell you how deep was my gratitude to another parent when he handed me a bottle of water.
Screams eventually faded away to whimpers, shooed away by cuddles and then a collective smacking of the naughty sand.
Back to dangerous activities, quite naturally.
• No major prohibition on dogs, but please keep them on a leash - Unlike Crazy Fido here.
• Though not here at Cymyran and Crigyll beaches, there are Seasonal Prohibitions on dogs on certain Anglesey beaches.
• Always bring a doggie poo-bag with you because the little dears can't always help themselves.
Imagine specific matter oozing from between your tanning and sandy toes.
Imagine a worse scenario; it’s your child.
• The main concern regarding dogs on Anglesey beaches is a health issue.
Doggie poo can blind for life.
Everybody seems to launch their day craft from the Rhosneigr village beach.
Unless they have a home in the village, they employ the assistance of locals who make their little Fergies and Fordsters available - understandably for a price.
The Beach Warden is usually parked on the left-hand side of the village beach.
If you know about the How and Who, then please let me know so that I can share the news with other visitors in advance of their stay.
The County Council requires you to register powerboats over a certain horsepower and also lists the required qualifications.
Please CLICK HERE for all the above information and about launching fees on other Anglesey beaches and slipways.

You'll find plenty of fishing marks along these two beaches. Sea-Bass, Flounder and Mackerell being the general catch.
For a bit more adventurous fishing head for the tidal race at Plas Cymyran House.
It's VERY DANGEROUS HERE so be very careful of your own and your buddy's safety.
The bank falls away staggeringly steeply. Once you start tumbling ... you're gone.
As I mentioned above, there have been some tragic accidents here because people exhaust themselves trying to swim against the 10mph current.

The fishing? Well, I had a converation with two anglers just the other evening. It was quite clear one of them was a painter and had just come straight from work - paint-splattered.
They talked about the general catches.
Both were a bit surprised when I mentioned the Conger, but the fishing forums all refer to this oversized fearsome marine earthworm being resident here.
Both agreed that it fishes like a river.
It's a good place for Flounder, though you'll need very light tackle to feel them bite. One of the guys said he had trouble catching them because he usually used a heavy rig.
It's also a good place for Sea-Bass, Mackerell and, surprisingly, the odd Sea Trout.
Plas Cymyran fishes best a couple of hours either side of Low-Tide.
A much better mark for Sea-Bass - so I was told this evening - is 'The Round' about a quarter of a mile toward Rhosneigr way.
It's where the tidal race sweeps to the right. It's pretty obvious.
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
I wish you good fortune and if you have news to share please get in touch by the CONTACT ME link lower down this page.
You'll find the link at the bottom of this page.

Both Crigyll and Cymyran Beaches back onto the sand dunes that separate it from RAF Valley.
This is the UK’s Fast Jet Training Centre. And they train a lot.
These beaches can be very noisy indeed with aircraft taking-off and landing. However, it's not quite as noisy as Rhosneigr Main Beach because the dunes mask much of the roaring engines.
None of this seems to have put off many people because the caravan parks at the end of the runway have been there for decades.
The horses in the nearby riding stables seem to take it all in their stride ... as it were.
Day visitors are equally tolerant, and children quickly dismiss any sense of irritation. Though I’m unsure how little babies take to it.
Anyway, the Search & Rescue helicopters occasionally practice their marine rescues just off the beach.
This usually brings all eyes on the beach to bear on Our Lads as they practice laudable skills that have been used to rescue many a silly visitor or sailor over the years.
Do you have any questions you'd like to ask? I would love to hear from you.
Maybe you have questions you want to ask in advance of your visit?
Maybe you have special advice - or even warnings.

There are two quite easy routes:
• You can get to Crigyll and Cymyran beaches through the village of Rhosneigr and along the beach.
• You get to Cymyran Beach along the RAF Valley road.
Simple Directions for Rhosneigr:
• Travel across Anglesey on the A55 Expressway.
• Halfway across the Island take Junction 5 for Rhosneigr.
• Follow this road through Engedi then a few miles later you arrive in the small village of Llanfaelog.
One of the first things you see in Llanfaelog is Bryn Coed Garage on the right (car sales not petrol) and then the village church on the left.
• Turn Right opposite the church.
Take care because the turning can be blind to oncoming traffic. Creep forward to take advantage of the wide junction.
• Follow this road all the way to Rhosneigr a mile or so ahead and past the Anglesey Golf Club into the village.
• Turn right opposite the village clock and 200m down the road is Rhosneigr Beach.
Crigyll Beach:
• Step onto the beach and walk right toward RAF Valley along Rhosneigr Beach.
The Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path progresses along all Rhosneigr’s beaches.
• Follow the River Crigyll inland for a short distance until you reach the bridge.
Cross over and there you are, embraced by peace and the required solitude.
• Carry on walking along and around the corner and you'll reach Cymyran Beach.
Cymyran Beach:
Either, Walk from Rhosneigr Beach and across Crigyll Beach,
• Drive along the A55 Expressway and come off at Junction 4 for Bryngwran, A5, Bodedern.
• Keep left and follow the sign for RAF Valley. Drive until you pass a lake on your right and drive over the railway bridge.
You will see the camp entrance on your left. Directly ahead is Anglesey Airport.
• Follow the road around the camp perimeter to the right for about half a mile until you arrive at a junction. Turn left.
• Follow this road past the magnificent Cymyran Hotel. It has a pretty good restaurant and riding horses.
• Carry on for a few hundred yards until the road ends at fence at the end of the runway.
Park here but make sure you always keep the road from the Crash Gate clear.
If you are brave (or is it reckless?) take the terrible road to your right. There is a car park at the end of this desperate track.
I wouldn’t park my car here if there’s a very high tide due.
• When you arrive at the car park there is a clear track to the beach beside Plas Cymyran house.
Immediately you step onto the beach you will see the tidal channel and the beach fall steeply toward it. TAKE CARE!.
I am a great believer in the truth and stating what it is that you want from life. Sometimes you need a little help - some divine intervention, perhaps.
I've learned that it pays to have more than one MODUS OPERANDI.
If one contingency doesn't work, then you have another to hand.
When I'm on the beach and a profound desire strikes me, then I pick-a-stick and write the thought or desire in the sand to allow the sea to carry it to the world to be brought back fulfilled.
This all works on the same general principle as Tibetan Prayer Flags. It's a theory under development, but it's got great potential.
I'm sure you'll agree that these extended beaches are excellent beach for carrying out these profound experiments - in private.
There again, you could always just tell the person.
In the meantime, while you're working yourself up to that CLICK HERE to learn the SAND WISHES theory. It's all very technical, yet simple
So you see, this stretch of Rhosneigr coast offers you more or less everything you need for a perfect beach day.
I do hope that you enjoy your day here.
Tell your friends about your discovery
and return as often as you can.

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