Stay In Touch with Anglesey Island Gems Updates
If you are a lover of Anglesey Beaches, Wild Seas and Glorious Countryside ...

... or if you'd simply love to learn more about them... and about this beautiful hidden gem of an island off the Welsh coast, please subscribe to my E-zine.
I am rather biased I know but I think that my Celtic Island home is absolutely lovely.
I am always adding new information and writing about my favourite places, experiences and latest news.
This is such a lovely island and I really want you to learn to love it as much as I do.
I reckon just one visit here should achieve that.
Please subscribe to my monthly e-zine so you don't miss a thing.
Listen. Let's face it Summer's just gone by and we did get some lovely weather here on the island.
I know this becuse I spent evenings after work running along beaches and enjoying sunset walks.
It's these kind of memories and the opportunity to write about them for you that'll keep me going through the dark Winter months.
Nigel Slater will probably keep me exercising as one excuse to enjoy his fabulous recipes.
The rest comes down to knowing that you're out there planning your 2010 Staycation in the UK and checking my site.
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