What Wishes Do You Want Fulfilled?

An Anglesey beach is where you will write your Romantic wishes in the sand for the tide to carry them away to the World and return them to you, fulfilled.
Just take a moment to think about what you really want right now.
Let’s say, if you could wish for anything, just what would your wish be?
Would you wish for ... I don’t know...
What would you wish for?
Tranquillity, maybe? If you’re on one of Anglesey’s isolated beaches then that wish has already come true. So what else?
You might wish for something really big: something life-changing, maybe. Or something small that's insignificant for others but so important for you: an ice cream or a cold beer.
It could be something really significant. Like the company of a certain someone who isn't with you right now.
Your Wish Really Should Be Something Significant.
A Wish is nothing more than an intense belief.
What both Neurolingusitic Programming (NLP)and the theory of Saliency tell you is that the intensity of a belief controls what you get in life.
They are talking about about the filter you have behind your eyes and how you reflect on life as it unravels before you.
Both thinking systems say that if you are unhappy and looking for an argument, then you will move Heaven and Earth to create an argument. You will unconsciously seek out another equally angry person who is unconsciously looking for you.
You won't feel good about yourself in the long run, but you successfully adopted a filter that achieved your wish.
Us Humans are really brilliant at picking up when someone else wants the same thing.
Both of us hear the orchestra strike up an old familiar tune and then we 'Start Dancing' with each other.
If intensity in a belief can make a fight happen, then it is the plain truth that an intense belief in Love can make Love happen.
Any belief that you adopt with an intensity makes that thing real.
There you are. I have proved my theory!
A wish is nothing more than an intense belief in something.
I wish to see Beauty around me everwhere.
This is such an intense belief that my wish is realised every day on Anglesey.
Let me tell you about Tibetan Prayer Flags and how they work.
My romantic side likes to believe that writing your love’s name in the sand can achieve the same end.
The Tibetans weave prayers and wishes into their colourful flags and set them high on windswept montain-sides for the wind to unravel them, fibre by fibre.
The wind carries the prayers and wishes invested in each fibre of each flag all the way around the world to be brought back again, fulfilled.
The Tibetans also write their prayers on pebbles and place these on top of high walls for the winds to gather up those prayers. Again, to bear them off and return them fulfilled.
It is all a matter of intense belief that their wishes and prayers will be fulfilled. Ergo, my Sand Wish theory.
Here on Anglesey the wind and the sea are as one.
What are my sand wishes?
Well, one of them is very simple.
I write my love’s name in the sand and allow the sea to gently de-materialise it and carry it away to be realised.
I visualise it and feel it. Every time I walk on an Anglesey beach, I remember my sand wishes, pick up a stick and get writing.
Many Anglesey beaches are broad and sandy. But remember that while there is plenty of love out there in the world, there may not be enough sand on the beach.
Your wish might overlap with someone else's. Now that's a nice thought.
There again, it pays to be careful of what's written nearby.
It's Soft Aphrodite I'm wishing for, not some Hairy Adonis.
Write your wishes in the sand and BELIEVE like it's already there.
Come to Anglesey and sit on a beach, stare out at the horizon and contemplate the wish that you will write.
I do hope that your sand wishes have come true for you.
For those still working on it, KEEP BELIEVING!!
And I'm certain that we'd all love to hear from you. With Good News hopefully.
Maybe you have technical refinements to offer? After all, there could be geographic anomalies that we might need to incorporate.
If it works for you then Pay it Forward

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